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Dry Eye Treatment using Jett Plasma with the Plasma Pen applicator


Treatment for dry eye syndrome can be done with a plasma jet focused on the tear duct, quickly, painlessly and with good results.

Dry eye syndrome is an anomaly in the production or quantity and quality of tears that causes dryness of the surface of the eye, cornea and conjunctiva and, in most cases, affects both eyes.

This happens because the tear film, which constantly lubricates the surface of the eye, becomes unstable and unable to act. This film contains water, mucus and oil, as well as substances responsible for defending the eye against infections.

Dry eye syndrome can appear without an apparent cause, and is more common in women over 40 years of age. It is often secondary to diseases of the body, such as rheumatological disease, thyroid disease or bone marrow transplant.


The symptoms of dry eye are discomfort, redness, foreign body and “sand” sensation, burning, discomfort in light. Some cases present itching or mild pain and increased mucus, the famous mucus. Tearing may occur as a reaction of the eyes to improve lubrication. In more severe cases, it may be difficult to move the eyelids.

The diagnosis of dry eye syndrome is basically clinical, and can rely on the slit lamp examination and the Shirmer test to assess the level of tear production. Treatment involves the application of artificial tears, that is, eye lubricants, in the form of eye drops or ointment. It is worth mentioning that this type of treatment only replaces tears and improves symptoms.

To help keep the eyes well lubricated, in cases with more severe symptoms of dry eye, plugs are often used to plug the tear drainage route and dam water on the surface of the eye. In rare cases of very severe dry eye with corneal damage, surgery may be necessary to preserve the eye.

New horizons in dry eye treatment

Studies point to the use of Jett Plasma with Plasma Pen applicator as a new therapeutic option for cases of dry eye, considered safe, without any ophthalmological side effects.

Plasma jet treatment, using the Jett Plasma equipped with a Plasma Pen applicator, offers surprising results, removing the hyperkeritinization layer from the eyelid margin, to unblock the lacrimal gland ducts, and making use of thermal stimulation to improve secretion. In 30 days, patients show significant improvement.

Jett Plasma's specialized fine-tip applicator, the Plasma Pen, focuses the plasma discharge into a more precise, accurate beam. This is a unique device on the global market, developed to improve comfort and improve the precision of ophthalmological treatments.

The Plasma Pen applicator has an activation switch on the pen itself, which is thinner and more ergonomic than the standard handpiece, ensuring greater ease of use and greater mobility as the base of the device is fixed to a flat surface.

The Plasma Pen applicator is considered ideal by experts for minimally invasive procedures, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and eliminates bacterial flora from the glands and surrounding areas. Furthermore, it increases the elasticity of the ligament fibers around the glands and their outlets (due to the direct current).

Find out more about Jett Plasma Oftalmologico at

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